11 October 2011

USG Report - The Futurist - Part 1

Urban Space Group Meeting
Thursday 26 August 2010
The Renaissance Centre

< Introduction    Part 2 >


Key Points

1. The Urban Space Group will only be commenting on the development of the current site and surrounding area and will not be make a formal representation as the retention or otherwise of the current theatre. It was felt that this was outside the remit of the Group, and that if there were members of the Group that wished to make such a representation, there were other more suitable forums or groups whereby their opinion on that matter could be made.

2. Accordingly, the Group has chosen to split their response into two parts. The first part ‘General Recommendations’ is a set of recommendations that we feel should be taken into consideration irrespective of whether a theatre is retained on the site or not. The second part ‘Retention of theatre and / or performance space / facility’, constitutes an additional set of recommendations to be applied, should the decision be taken to support the continued presence of some form of theatre or performance space within the defined area.

3. In fact, given the potential difficulties in attempting to assess market conditions in say five years time, it is advisable and perfectly reasonable to draft a development brief that offers potential investors the option of developing the site either with or without a theatre. Any such condition of sale or otherwise would be supported by the outcome and subsequent decisions thereby taken as a result of the current consultation process.

4. The Group wish it to be made known that they deplore the current state of affairs and are extremely saddened that the situation has been allowed to deteriorate to the present circumstances.

5. The Group are concerned that during the recent presentations made at the Futurist Task Group sessions at the Town Hall, that none of the potential options for the site appeared viable given the current economic climate. It is sincerely hoped that as a Renaissance town of some note we can collectively find a way to circumvent these conditions and deliver a sustainable development of real quality and character.

6. We are particularly concerned that the theatre may close at the end of 2010. Irrespective of the future of the theatre, we do not feel it is advisable to leave ourselves with the edifice of a dead and decaying building in such a prominent location on the town’s foreshore. Therefore we would advise that the theatre continue to operate in some form until future development is secured.

7. The Group would again like to emphasise that this site cannot be developed without taking into consideration the wider area, a philosophy set down within the town’s own ‘Kissing Sleeping Beauty’ document outlining its strategy for regeneration. In support of this, commentary made at a Town Team meeting in June 2007 regarding the general Foreshore area of the South Bay, has been included within Appendix B of this document.

8. Diagrams highlighting the importance of links to the surrounding area, pathways, connections and views can be found in Appendix A. The diagrams also illustrate some potential options for the siting and orientation of any new build.

9. The Group would like to emphasise the potential benefits of opening up the site as the subject of an international design competition. We feel that this would greatly raise the profile of the site on offer, the town, and also help raise the overall standard of design of the subsequent development.

10. The Group would expect the development to be rigorously controlled by a full and proper master plan, and that any proposed changes to any part of the plan are subject to a clear and public change management process.

11. The site has a history of entertainment stretching back over a hundred years. Regardless of the future of the theatre, the site’s identity as a destination for entertainment should not be lost. We would in any eventuality be concerned about the continuing cumulative impact of closing facilities and attractions.

12. To ensure this continued connection, the Group strongly advocates an imaginative and flexible interpretation of the space, as this will be essential in making the project commercially viable and sustainable. We believe the town needs development that can act as an inspiration for all and encourage further investment in high quality projects.

13. We would particularly like to stress the importance of enhancing the site within an overall vision for the South Bay. Its development cannot be viewed in isolation and it is essential that it fits within a cohesive strategy for the whole of the seafront.

14. Further to this, any solution must form an integral part of the town’s overall entertainment, leisure and tourism strategy.

< Introduction    Part 2 >